Derek’s funeral is 2pm on Fri 8th April at Holy Trinity Church, Freckleton and then at Lytham Crem.
I’m told its a small place … so lift share and early parking are both good ideas.
If you are planning to attend , then it might be worth sharing that via this group so that we can try to co-ordinate cars. Similarly … if anyone needs a lift from this part of the world … let me know and we’ll try to broker something.
Update From Richard (Derek’s Brother) on 31/03/16
As most of you will know by now Derek passed away peacefully on Easter Sunday.
The funeral will be on Friday 8th April.
2pm at the Church of Holy Trinity, Freckleton, Lancs, PR4 1AA ( There is parking next to Freckleton Library, off Old Preston Road, which is a 5 minute walk to the church.
The church service will be followed by a private cremation for close family only.
The wake will be held at Fylde Rugby Club, Lytham St. Annes, Lancs FY8 4EL (, people are invited to join us from 3.30 onwards.
There is no specific dress code but Derek wanted people to wear something purple.
Please pass onto anyone that you feel would be interested.
Please let me know if you may be coming and how many, so that we can give the caters an idea of numbers.