Derek’s Farewell Game

Derek has asked Col to book a pitch at Timperley for a match on Sunday 21st February at 12.30pm.
He and I have been discussing the forthcoming Aardvark tour to Cornwall in June.
Like me, he is concerned that there is some evidence to suggest that some of us might need to re-think our personal goals, modify our individual training regime and adopt more modern on-field tactics if we are to take our game to the next level.
Therefore he has arranged for a team comprised of his old mates from Ross on Wye  / Gloucester to come and play a Timperley/Aardvarks team on the above date/time.
Post match analysis will take place over a pint of Black Sheep and a Curry in the bar afterwards.
Everyone is most welcome.
Purely from a catering perspective it would be useful to know if you are coming along…..?
Bring a coloured aardvark shirt and a spare white shirt.
If you need any other info, give me a ring on 07990 971190